Kangen Water Machines Sponsor
The Kangen Water Machine
When everyday water is transformed for consumption and function.
The Kangen Water® Machine is an alkaline water
machine that use a water filtering system that converts contaminated
and chlorinated water into wholesome drinking water through an
anti-bacterial charcoal system.
This process removes both contaminated elements and chorine from
ordinary tap water. The ionization process emerges from two diverse
hoses…creating both alkaline drinking water and acid water for practical
use. Kangen alkaline water has a variety of benefits, ranging from
giving you energy to counteracting unhealthy effects of acidic foods you
eat. Healthy Kangen alkaline Water —which has a pH of 8.5 to 9.5—”helps
your body balance the acidic effects” of eating foods such as meat and
Acid rain 30 years ago in Japan… brought Scientists,
engineers, and doctors together to find a resolution to rid their
contaminated water drinking that was besieged by the acid.
After extensive research, they approached Enagic to develop the technology for the Kangen Water Machines. Over the years they have provided over 100 Japanese hospitals and clinics, and 3000 restaurants with industrial strength ionizers. Enagic known as an OEM… (Original Equipment Manufacturer, a company involved in the research, development and distribution of the product, with the highest level of control and quality.) Alkaline Water machines, long sold internationally, have been generating increased interest in the U.S. during the past couple of years.
The name Kangen is delivered from the Japanese word “Kangen” which stands for… “Return to origin.”
Thus…Kangen Water put in plain words…takes water back to its original “alkaline” state.
The Enagic Kangen Water Machines
The Enagic Kangen Water Machines unique system splits the water into
separate categories for…Food preparation and cleaning Kangen Water: for
healthful drinking and cooking Clean Water: for drinking Acidic Water:
for beauty Strong Acidic Water: for disinfecting. Kangen alkaline water
tastes pleasant with a soft and velvety flavor, but with a mineral
aftertaste, compared with ordinary tap water.

Hydrate your Body and Mind
It’s a known fact that every form of life is completely dependent on
water to function properly. Science has proven that it takes between
two and seven liters of water per day to avoid dehydration. While most
water is ingested through foods and or beverages other than drinking
water, the precise amounts are dependent on ones level of activity,
temperature and humidity.
But much of the water we drink is poor
quality and highly acidic. What the human body needs is alkaline water.
Our body thrives in an alkaline environment. The benefits of alkaline
water cannot be understated.
Alkaline WATER: It Gives Life
Whenever we attempt to determine whether there is life on other
planets, scientists first seek to establish whether or not water is
present. Why…because life on earth totally depends on water.
Because all life on earth is considered to have arisen from water…our
bodies of all living organisms are composed largely of water.
Water is the only known medium that support s life in all plants and
animals Water not only provides the medium to make these life sustaining
reactions possible and the chemistry of life is water.
How Much Alkaline Water is needed for Hydration and a Healthy Functioning Body?
Like mother earth herself, Everyone’s body is approximately 70%
water. And for this reason water is “the center of vitality and long
life” The statistic are self explanatory … with all things considered ,
water makes up 82% of your blood, 75% of your muscle, 25% of your bone,
and 76% of your brain tissue!
While no one really knows exactly how much water intake is needed by
healthy people, 6-7 glasses of water (approximately 2 liters) daily are
believed to be the absolute minimum required to sustain a well hydrated
Other scientists have recommended that the minimum daily drinking
water should never be less than a 1/2 ounce of water per lb. of body
weight. Thus…(a 200 lb. man should consume at least 100 ounces of water
daily, or approximately 3 quarts of water.)
Hydration is the means to keep all your vital organs working
properly, along with beautiful skin, healthy joints, and sustained high
energy levels.
The results of Chronic Dehydration can be part of the cause of body
pain and numerous degenerative diseases. For this reason alone,
increasing your daily water intake should become a must!
A Full Heart!!!
Many physicians believe that water is the …No. 1 secret to living longer, looking younger and losing weight. This is one of the main benefits of alkaline water
Studies have found a definite relationship between chronic dehydration and its effect on the heart. It was established that those who drank less than two glasses of water a day were considered chronically dehydrated and increased their risk for heart attack by double, as compared to those who drink five glasses a day.
The chronically dehydrated showed enlarged hearts twice the normal size with increased beats that was twice as fast as a healthy, hydrated heart. It was also noted that their blood was thicker with more viscous which inhibits normal circulation, taxing the entire circulatory system.
The health risk can be as dangerous as smoking, and people who are addicted to sodas and substitute that liquid for water are seriously dehydrated. Many are now seeing the benefits of alkaline water.
Water…Just Isn’t Water!Kangen Alkaline Water
Most people assume “water is water,” but don’t make the same mistake.
Through research we have all learned that water from many of the
municipal water systems around the world contain thousands of cancer
causing chemicals, toxins, and contaminants. Current investigations of
tap water in 42 states were found to be contaminated with more than
140,000 unregulated chemicals that lack safety standards! Kangen
alkaline water is one of many brand names for so-called alkaline waters
promoted as a healthier form of water with significant anti-oxidant
properties. It’s generally presented as the result of an electrolysis
process which separates ordinary water (H20) into two separate entities.
One half of the separated water becomes an acidic HO molecule, while
the other becomes an alkaline OH molecule.
Empty Water Bottles Contaminate the Planet – Not with Kangen Water
Bottled water sales have grown to an $11 Billion dollar industry in
America, while the regulations on bottled water are so loose that
surveys have shown that over 30% of all expensive bottled waters are, in
actuality, just recycled tap water. In addition to just being tap water
the chemicals from the plastic bottles leach into the water causing it
to be acidic as well.
Every hour, more than 2.5 million plastic bottles are thrown away in the United States and eventually settle in our landfills.
A new System …A Healthier Water Solution. Kangen Water Machines are alkaline water machines
The Enagic Corporation, a 36 year-old Japanese water technology
company, has created a patented kangen water machine that will transform
your contaminated, chlorinated tap water into delicious, purified,
healthy, alkaline drinking water.
The compact counter-top appliance produces what Enagic has
trademarked as “Kangen water machines which are alkaline water
Because Kangen drinking water has produced positive, healing results
in people with health issues, Japan’s Health and Welfare Agency has
issued Enagic’s Kangen Water Machines a license number as an approved
“medical device.”
Kangen Water Machines filter contaminants and harmful chemicals, akin
to the chlorine in your tap water with an anti-bacterial charcoal
system. At the same time the high technical machine separates the H2O
water molecules through electrolysis into two major types of water.
Water with abundance H+ ions is acidic water and water with an
abundance of extra OH- Hydroxyl ions is alkaline water. Kangen water
machines produce delicious alkaline water and the benefits of alkaline
water are huge.
Studies have proven that drinking alkaline water benefits strong
health with one being an antioxidant effect that is found in natural
Glacier waters.
Alkaline water has a micro-clustering effect and the restructured
water molecules bundle together in small clusters (about 1/2 to 1/3 the
size) than is found in tap water. Because of this the ionized water is
more easily absorbed by the body’s 75 trillion cells and hydrates your
body quickly and more efficiently than regular water. (Six times
“Drink to Your Health” with Kangen Water Machines!
Alkaline Water…Kangen Water…the Difference is Dramatic!
Don’t confuse the term “Alkaline Water” interchangeably with the term “Kangen Water”. You will discover that there are distinguishing differences.
While “Kangen Water” is delicious tasting, pure, healthful alkaline water, it is much more than that. For that reason in the last few years the company has established headquarters in Canada, Mexico, Europe, Australia, the Philippines, and South Korea. The benefits of Kangen water have proved themselves internationally and the company is growing worldwide.
Acid to Alkaline… The pH of Alkaline Water
What is pH in terms of Alkaline Water?
The pH scale, ranges from 0 on the acidic end to 14 on the alkaline end, a solution is neutral if its pH is 7. At pH 7, water contains equal concentrations of H+ and OH- ions. Substances with a pH less than 7 are acidic because they contain a higher concentration of H+ ions. Substances with a pH higher than 7 are alkaline because they contain a higher concentration of OH- than H+. The pH scale is a log scale so a change of one pH unit means a tenfold change in the concentration of hydrogen ions.
Balancing pH – the benefits of alkaline water
All Living things are extremely sensitive to pH and function best
(with certain exceptions, such as certain portions of the digestive
tract) when solutions are nearly neutral. living matter (excluding the
cell nucleus) has a pH of about 6.8.
Blood plasma and other fluids that surround the cells in the body
have a pH of 7.2 to 7.3. Buffers have the capacity to bond ions and
remove them from solution whenever their concentration begins to rise.
Conversely, buffers can release ions whenever their concentration begins
to fall. Buffers thus help to minimize the fluctuations in pH. This is
an important function because many biochemical reactions normally
occurring in living organisms either release or use up ions.
IONIZED WATER ….And why we often get sick:
“It is widely recognized in the medical profession that a healthy and
clean colon is one of the most important precursors to good health and
that the great majority of body ailments and diseases originate in an
acidic and dirty colon. Water is essential for your health. Drinking
“good water;” especially hard water which has much calcium and magnesium
keeps your body at an optimal alkaline PH.”
“Kangen Water is
alkaline rich water (ph 8-9), and is considered the very best drinking
water because of its incomparable powers of hydration, detoxification,
and anti-oxidation.”
~Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Leading Endocrinologist
Oxygen: Sometimes Can be Too much of a good thing:
We all know that oxygen is essential to survival. While it is
relatively stable in the air, when too much is absorbed into the body it
can become active and unstable and has a tendency to attach itself to
any biological molecule, including molecules of healthy cells. These
free radicals are due to one or more pairs of unpaired electrons.
About 2% of the oxygen we normally breathe becomes active oxygen, and
this amount increases to approximately 20% with aerobic exercise.
Such free radicals with unpaired electrons are unstable and have a
high oxidation potential, which means they are capable of stealing
electrons from other cells. This chemical mechanism is very useful in
disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide and ozone which can be used to
sterilize wounds or medical instruments. Inside the body these free
radicals are of great benefit due to their ability to attack and
eliminate bacteria, viruses and other waste products.
Our Body’s Active Oxygen:
When too many free radicals are loose in the body they can damage normal tissue.
Putrefection sets in when microbes in the air invade the proteins, peptides, and amino acids of eggs, fish and meat. The result is an array of unpleasant substances such as:
* Hydrogen sulfide
* Ammonia
* Histamines
* Indoles
* Phenols
* Scatoles
These substances are also produced naturally in the digestive tract when we digest food, resulting in the unpleasant odor evidenced in feces. Putrefaction of spoiled food is caused by microbes in the air; this natural process is duplicated in the digestive tract by intestinal microbes. All these waste products of digestion are pathogenic, for this reason they can cause disease in the body.
Problems arise, however, when too many of these active oxygen molecules, or free radicals, are produced in the body. They are extremely reactive and can also attach themselves to normal, healthy cells and damage them genetically. These active oxygen radicals steal electrons from normal, healthy biological molecules. This electron theft by active oxygen oxidizes tissue and can cause disease.
The Greatest Solvent for Disease…is Alkaline Water:
Water is universal and a superb solvent due to the marked polarity of the water molecule and its tendency to form hydrogen bonds with other molecules. One water molecule, expressed with the chemical symbol H2O, consists of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.
Water Molecules and their Reason for Popularity:
In a water molecule, two hydrogen atoms are covalently bonded to the oxygen atom.
A hydrogen atom, while remaining covalently bonded to the oxygen of
its own molecule, can form a weak bond with the oxygen of another
molecule. Similarly, the oxygen end of a molecule can form a weak
attachment with the hydrogen ends of other molecules. Because water
molecules have this polarity, water is a continuous chemical entity.
These weak bonds play a crucial role in stabilizing the shape of many
of the large molecules found in living matter. Because these bonds are
weak, they are readily broken and re-formed during normal physiological
reactions. The disassembly and re-arrangement of such weak bonds is in
essence the chemistry of life.
This is why we call water the universal solvent. It is a natural
solution that breaks the bonds of larger, more complex molecules. This
is the chemistry of life on earth, in water and on land.
Block Dangerous Oxidation…with the power of Antioxidants:
So…how do you protect healthy tissue from the ravages of oxidation
caused by active oxygen? The key is to provide free electrons to active
oxygen radicals, thus neutralizing their high oxidation potential and
preventing them from reacting with healthy tissue.
There is a definite link between diet and cancer although far from
complete; some evidence indicates that what we eat may affect our
susceptibility to cancer. Some foods seem to help defend against cancer,
others appear to promote it.
Much of the damage caused by carcinogenic substances in food may come
about because of an oxidation reaction in the cell. In this process, an
oddball oxygen molecule may damage the cell’s genetic code. Some
researchers believe that substances that prevent oxidation — called
ANTIOXIDANTS — can block the damage.
Because Alkaline Water is the Natural Solution…It Must be Pure: Kangen Water Machines
There is no substitute for a healthy balanced diet, especially rich
in antioxidant materials such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene,
and other foods that are good for us. However, these substances are not
the best source of free electrons that can block the oxidation of
healthy tissue by active oxygen.
Water treated by electrolysis to increase its reduction potential is
the best solution by providing a safe source of free electrons to block
the oxidation of normal tissue by free oxygen radicals. Reduced water,
with an excess of free electrons to donate to active oxygen, is the best
So…What are the Benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water?
We can block oxidation reaction with antioxidants substances which can donate their electrons to roving active oxygen and neutralize their harmful effect on normal cells.
We are advancing the theory that the most effective and economical source for an antioxidant is ordinary tap water after it is filtered and treated with electrolysis. This electrolyzed water is one of the most exciting developments of preventative medicine in Japan in recent years. Hidemitsu Hayashi, M.D. Director, Water Institute, Tokyo, Japan.
Ionized Alkaline Water… Why You should Drink Alkaline Ionized Water? – The Basics:
Ionized Water is the product of mild electrolysis which takes place in the Ionized Water unit. Ionized Water is treated tap water that has not only been filtered, but has also been reformed in that it provides reduced water with a large mass of electrons that can be donated to active oxygen in the body to block the oxidation of normal cells.
The Truth About Tap Water:
Normal tap water has a pH of 7 and is approximately neutral on the pH scale of 0 to 14. When measured with an ORP (oxidation potential) meter its redox potential is approximately +400 to +500 mV. Because it has a positive redox potential, it is apt to acquire electrons and oxidize other molecules. Reduced ionized water, on the other hand, has a negative redox potential of approximately -250 to -350 mV. This means it has a large mass of electrons ready to donate to electron-thieving active oxygen.
The facts About an Ionized Alkaline Water Unit and How it Works:
The water ionizers unit is an electrical appliance connected to your kitchen water supply which performs electrolysis on tap water before you drink it or use it in the kitchen for cooking or cleaning.
A special attachment re-directs the tap water from the faucet through a plastic hose into the Micro water unit. Through this process the water is first filtered through activated charcoal, and then the filtered water passes into an electrolysis chamber equipped with a platinum-coated titanium electrode where electrolysis takes place.
Reduced water not only gains an excess amount of electrons (e-), but the cluster of H2O is reduced in size from about 10 to 13 molecules per cluster to 5 to 6 molecules per cluster. The reduced water comes out of the faucet, and the oxidized water comes out of a separate hose leading into the sink. You can use the reduced water for drinking or cooking. The oxidation potential of the oxidized water makes it a good sterilizing agent, ideal for washing hands, cleaning food or kitchen utensils, and treating minor wounds.
The Benefits From Reduced Water:
reduced Ionized Water when orally consumed blocks the interaction of the active oxygen with normal molecules. Thus, the biological molecule (BM) remains intact and undamaged.
Undamaged biological molecules are less susceptible to infection and disease. The Ionized Water gives up an extra electron and reduces the active oxygen (AO), thus rendering it harmless.
When taken internally, the effects of reduced water are immediate. In 1965 the Ministry of Welfare of Japan announced that reduced water obtained from electrolysis can prevent abnormal fermentation of intestinal microbes.
The Benefits of Oxidized Alkaline Water:
Oxidized water is an oxidizing agent that can withdraw electrons from bacteria and kill them. The oxidized water from the Micro water unit can be used to clean hands, kitchen utensils, fresh vegetables and fruits, and to sterilize cutting boards and minor wounds.
Although hyper oxidized water is a powerful sterilizing agent, it won’t harm the skin. In fact, it can be used to heal. Hyper oxidized water has proven effective in Japanese hospitals in the treatment of bedsores and operative wounds with complicated infections.
But perhaps the most exciting future application of hyper oxidized water is in the field of agriculture where it has been used effectively on plants to kill fungi and other plant diseases. Hyper oxidized water is non-toxic, so agricultural workers can apply it without wearing special protective equipment because there is no danger of skin or respiratory damage. An added benefit of using hyper oxidized water to spray plants is that there is no danger to the environment caused by the accumulation of toxic chemicals in the ground.
Why Ionized Alkaline Water is Superior to an Antioxidant Diet:Kangen Water Machines
Today we know that paying attention to what we eat to stay healthy is a must. However …what may surprise you is that the bulk of what we eat is composed of water. Vegetables and fruits are 90% water; fish and meat are about 70% water as well.
Even advocates of the importance of vitamin C in diet staples have to admit that its potency, namely, the redox potential of this important vitamin, rapidly diminishes with age and preparation for the dining table. Carbohydrates, the main consistent of vegetables and fruit, have a molecular weight of 180 whereas water has a much lower molecular weight of 18.
For this reason Ionizer alkalized water is more readily absorbed by the body than untreated tap water. Ionized water quickly permeates the body and blocks the oxidation of biological molecules by donating its abundant electrons to active oxygen, enabling biological molecules to replace themselves naturally without damage caused by oxidation that can cause diseases.
Here’s Some Food For Thought:
Your brain is about 85% water and the body about 70%. While the brain is about 1/50th of the weight of the body, it requires 1/20th of the blood supply.
It is said that brain cells need two times more energy than other cells in the body because the brain is comprised mostly of water. And water transports nutrients to the brain and eliminates toxins.
Therefore, can you imagine the how confusion can set in when a person is suffering from dehydration? Since the brain can’t store water, and adults lose more than 10 cups of water everyday (through breathing perspiring and eliminating wastes) it is paramount to good brain functioning that there is sufficient daily water supplied to the brain.
Balance is key, and a daily routine which includes good nutrition, exercise, stimulating activity and plenty of good quality, healthy water will contribute to maintaining a healthy life style and in keeping an active brain.
Dehydration can Block Mind Stimulation:
It can’t be overemphasized as to how important it is to provide good hydration to the brain. Even low levels of dehydration can interfere with nerve transmission and have a negative effect on normal brain function, your coordination and concentration is affected as well. Particularly, as we age is vital to maintain an adequate level of healthy water.
Just 1% dehydrated causes a 5% decrease in cognitive function. And if there is only a 2% drop in body water, this can initiate fuzzy, short term memory and influence focusing power.

Quotes From the Experts:
Sang Whang, Author, Reverse Aging
“These waste products must be discharged from our body. In fact, our body tries its best to dispose of them through urine and perspiration. Virtually all waste products are acidic; that is why urine is acidic and the skin surface is also acidic. The problem is that, due to several reasons, our body cannot get rid of 100% of the waste products it produces.
The main reason for this is our lifestyle. We, therefore, spend more time producing waste products than processing them.”
Dr Susan Lark, author of The Chemistry Of Success
“Peak performance and optimal health depend on the body’s ability to maintain a slightly alkaline state in virtually all of our cells and tissues… Drinking four to six glasses of alkaline water a day will help to neutralize over acidity and over time will help to restore your buffering ability… alkaline water acts as an antioxidant because of its excess supply of free electrons.
This can help the body against the development of heart disease, strokes, immune dysfunctions, and other common ailments.”
Dr Theodore Baroody, author of Alkalize or Die
“It is my opinion that ionized water will change the way in which all health practitioners and the public approach their health in the coming years. I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone.
“The countless names attached to illness do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause: too much tissue acid waste in the body.”
Dr Sherry Rogers, author of Detox or Die
Dr. Sherry Rogers MD is a Fellow of the American College of Allergy and Immunology and a Diplomat of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.
“Alkaline water rids the body of acid waste… After carefully evaluating the results of my advice to hundreds of individuals, I’m convinced that toxicity in the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of degenerative disease.”
Dr. Shinya’s revolutionary “Shinya Method” has become widely used in colonoscopy procedures worldwide. “It is widely recognized in the medical profession that a healthy and clean colon is one of the most important precursors to good health and that the great majority of body ailments and diseases originate in an acidic and dirty colon. Water is essential for your health. Drinking “good water;” especially hard water which has much calcium and magnesium keeps your body at an optimal alkaline PH.”
Health and Fitness go Hand in Hand:Increase your alkalinity with an alkaline water machine
Just because an athlete is fit, doesn’t mean he’s healthy. In fact, many athletes suffer from chronic injury, inflammatory disorders, even early cancer. The high level of metabolic acids chronically present in muscle tissue could be a strong factor. Combining Kangen alkaline water with an alkaline-dense diet is the answer. By increasing alkalinity and reducing acidic byproducts, the body’s buffering systems can work more efficiently and effectively.
Athletic Performance Depends on Super Hydration by Alkaline Water:
Super hydration is the hallmark of restructured Kangen Water and makes its performance amazing. Electrical signaling is lightening fast, more oxygen gets to the cell increasing VO2 max and acidic waste that is often stored in fat cells is easily removed. And this type of hydration is unique because it reaches every cell.
Hydration drinks used by athletes have high levels of acidity, which rob the body of alkalinizing minerals and steal vital calcium from bones, cartilage and tissues.
The restructuring of the water also means it is absorbed into tissues faster than any other type of water. And all the minerals are already present in the water and in a form that every cell has access to.
You Can’t Argue With Professional Verification
Shan Stratton, Sports Nutritional Consultant:
Shan is a Sports Nutritional Consultant for the NBA, NFL, MLB, PGA, LPGA, NASCAR, NHL,NY YANKEES, AZ DIAMONDBACKS, HOUSTON ROCKETS, LA DODGERS, etc. He has worked with countless famous athletes like Kurt Warner, Maria Sharapova, Reggie Jackson, Cynthia Cooper and on and on.
He states that drinking Kangen Water is the missing link to overall health and performance for athletes after promoting and counseling the use of high quality supplements, enzymes, and robotics to the athletic community for over 15 years.
Shan researched Enagic’s Kangen Water, and tried it himself, before endorsing the Kangen Water ionizer.
Shan met with Enagic’s executive staff and scientists, and personally investigated the integrity of both the company and the products. The reason for this is that he has tremendous integrity at stake with his involvement with so many high powered sports figures and coaches internationally. Shan is known internationally for his training sessions and corporate speaking events as a nutritionist, a sports supplementation specialist, and a renowned motivational speaker.
Shan is committed to the mission of changing the “sick care” of America and the world over to a true Health & Wellness Care system. He is passionate about being an International speaker helping educate the world about the tremendous health benefits of drinking alkalized, antioxidant-charged, super-hydrating Kangen Water from the only company that has the seal of approval from the Japanese medical community.
Wade Lightheart, 3 -Time Canadian Natural Bodybuilding Champion:
Wade came back after several years of retirement from body-building to win the Canadian Natural Bodybuilding Championship.
He has written a book about his experience with Kangen Water and has said that within days of drinking the water, he lost a significant amount of body fat and was able to train more than double his peak volume levels with no pain, no fatigue and no inflammation.
Wade shares his personal success story using Kangen Water as well as the science behind HOW this remarkable water works. He also presents critical information about hydration, dehydration, acid-alkaline balance, and the role of free radical damage in relation to sports injury. He shows how others can use Kangen Water to dramatically speed up recovery times, improve VO2 MAX (oxygen carrying capacity), and decrease the chance of injury.
Susan Lark, MD, The Chemistry of Success: Secrets of Peak Performance:
In her book, The Chemistry of Success: Secrets of Peak Performance, Susan Lark, MD, talks about the role of acid/alkaline balance in peak performance and health. The following is her assessment of alkaline water.
“The benefits of the alkaline water created through alkaline water machines far exceed just its ability to gently raise the pH of the cells and tissues of the body and to neutralize acids. Because the alkaline water has gained a significant number of free electrons through the electrolysis process, it is able to donate these electrons to active oxygen free radicals in the body, thereby becoming a super antioxidant. By donating its excess free electrons, alkaline water is able to block the oxidation of normal tissue by free oxygen radicals.”
She continues by noting that another significant benefit of the electrolysis process is that the cluster size of the alkaline water is reduced by about 50 percent from the cluster size of tap water. “This allows ionized alkaline water to be much more readily absorbed by the body, thereby increasing the water’s hydrating ability and its ability to carry its negative ions and alkalizing effect to all the cells and tissues of the body.
Since proper hydration is also a key factor in preventing exercise fatigue, consuming ionized Kangen Water before, during and after exercise can help.
The History of Hexagonal Water And The Orient:
The use of Hexagonal Water is well accepted and there is a great desire to consume it on a regular basis. Many have attempted to bring it down from snowy mountains for consumption. Some have used expensive ionization generators or sought other methods to create Hexagonal Water for regular drinking.
In the Orient, more than in the Western World, the theory that Hexagonal Water is important for our health has firmly established itself. We have found that Hexagonal Water is beneficial for the body, and that drinking pentagonal water can actually be harmful.
“If we are to live a long life, free of disease, we need to drink a sufficient amount of Hexagonal Water on a daily basis.”
Stop disease at the source:
According to Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi, Director of the Water Institute of Japan, “To eliminate the pollutants in a large stream that is contaminated at its source, we must work on the problems upstream at the headwaters — the source of the pollution — not downstream where we can only try to treat the evidence of damage caused by the pollution. Ionized water’s contribution to preventive medicine is essentially upstream treatment.”
According to our model, we consider the digestive tract upstream where we intake water and food. Although many people today in developed countries are growing more skeptical about what they eat, they tend to concentrate more on what the food contains rather than the metabolized products of foods in the digestive tract.
Downstream from the digestive tract, starting at the liver, reduced water quickly enters the liver and other organs due to, first, its lower molecular weight, and, secondly, the size of its clusters. At tissue sites throughout the body, reduced water with its safe, yet potent reduction potential readily donates its passenger electrons freely to active oxygen and neutralizes them so they cannot damage the molecules of healthy cells.
So Why The Water Boom? Benefits of alkaline water from an alkaline water machine
We are in the midst of a water boom. Japan and other countries consumers are buying various kinds of bottled and canned water even though water is one of our most abundant vital resources.
Compared to any processed water for sale, however, Ionized Water with its reduction potential of -250 to -300 mV is beyond comparison due to its ability to scavenge active oxygen radicals.
Hidemitsu Hayashi, M.D. Director, Water Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Ray Kurzweil, Scientist, Talks About Alkaline Water – Kangen water machines and benefits of Kangen water
Ray Kurzweil was inducted in 2002 into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, established by the U.S. Patent Office. He received the $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize, the nation’s largest award in invention and innovation. He also received the 1999 National Medal of Technology, the nation’s highest honor in technology, from President Clinton in a White House ceremony.
He has received twelve honorary Doctorates and honors from three U.S. presidents. Ray’s books include The Age of Intelligent Machines, The Age of Spiritual Machines, and Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever. Four of Ray’s books have been national best sellers and The Age of Spiritual Machines has been translated into 9 languages and was the #1 best selling book on Amazon in science.
Question: I have read on the Internet that it is not possible to create alkaline or acid water from pure water and that water that is pure enough to drink can’t be split into alkaline and acid components. Is this true?
we had the same skepticism when we first heard about alkaline water. Therefore, the first thing we did was to purchase a water alkalinizer as well as an accurate electronic pH meter. We ran tap water with pH 7.1 from our home faucet into the device and found that the water coming out of the alkaline outlet had a pH of 9.5 (indicating very alkaline), while the water from the acid outlet measured pH 4.5 (indicating very acidic).
Kangen water machines – benefits of alkaline water machines
We repeated this experiment with a variety of tap waters obtaining alkaline outputs with a pH ranging from 9.5 to 9.9. It is true that “pure” or distilled water can not be ionized. If you were to try to “split” distilled water, it would not work. Tap or spring water, however, has dissolved minerals in it. It’s the minerals in the water; primarily calcium, potassium and magnesium that allow water to be “split” by an electric current into alkaline, “electron-rich” and acid, “electron-deficient” components.
Individuals who say it is not possible to split tap or spring water are misinformed.
One site on the Internet states “Ionized water is nothing more than sales fiction; the term is meaningless to chemists. Most water that is fit for drinking is too unconductive to undergo significant electrolysis.”
The above statement is easily shown to be incorrect with a simple pH meter and an electrolysis machine. Most tap waters run through the machine produce highly alkaline water as measured by a pH meter.
Question: Since you advocate drinking alkaline water, why not simply mix something like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) with water and drink that?
There are, in fact, alkaline waters sold that are made by mixing water with bicarbonate. Wouldn’t that work as well and be much less expensive than a water alkalinizer?
There are more benefits to “alkaline water” than simply the alkalinity or pH. The most important feature of alkaline water produced by an alkaline water machine is its oxidation reduction potential. (Water with a high negative ORP is of particular value in its ability to neutralize oxygen free radicals.
The Kangen Water Solution – Kangen Water Machines:
Kangen Water is so readily absorbed into the cells and into the brain very quickly because of its micro-clustered cellular structure, which is much smaller than ordinary tap water, producing almost instant energy.
Kangen Water machines have been used to successfully introduce alkaline water into therapy programs for individuals who suffer from various brain injuries and inflammatory situations. The Kangen Water, then, hydrates the body with alkaline, ionized, and micro-clustered water which is capable of reducing acidity and dehydration almost instantly. Kangen Water also provides a powerful source of antioxidants.
Can you substitute other liquids to reach the desired level of hydration?
Quenching thirst with drinks such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, sports drinks and alcohol will not really satisfy the requirements for hydration. Even if some of these drinks may have some minerals and amino acids, there is a large amount of sugar which causes your glucose level to surge. And then there is the problem that coffee, for example, actually dehydrates the body. So think before you supply liquids to your body which have negative rather than positive effects on the brain and the body.
So what is the comparison to regular tap water? Benefits of alkaline water
It is known that much tap water contains contaminants and chlorine. Because of these problems, many people have selected an alternative method through bottled water – alkaline water machines.
However it has been shown that many of these bottled waters are really tap water in a bottle.
Therefore, the substitution of other liquids does not really solve the dehydration problem, and a large percent of the unregulated and unfiltered tap waters present new problems, as do the bottled waters.
In summary, think about the quality of the water which you want for supplying energy to your brain and your body. We might go so far as to say that you should not only think about Kangen Water, but that you could be thinking with Kangen Water.
So, think carefully about providing yourself and your family with a Kangen Water system… it’s a hydrating experience!
Kangen Water machines transfer the tap water from your faucet into two water outlets. The difference is that one outlet has a large number of H+ ions while the other has a large number of OH- ions. The water that is strong in H+ is Acidic and the OH- water is Alkaline.
A Kangen Water Machine not only makes 3 different ranges of Alkaline drinking Water (8.5 pH, 9.0 pH, 9.5 pH), but also creates four other types of water, known as… (1) Strong Acid (2) Acidic ((3) Neutral (4) Strong Kangen.
These additional four different types of waters, with pH ranges from 2.5 pH to 11.5 pH, are useful for various purposes such as disinfecting, cooking, food preparation, hair and face washing, skin toning, and cleaning….and all without harmful chemicals.
pH was an idea developed in 1909 and it stands for “the power or potential of hydrogen.”
When considering the relationship of drinking water to health, two important issues are: pH and ORP. These factors make it possible for us to gauge the effects of water on living tissue.
Removing ORP…Turns Minus into a Plus!
Kangen Water machines produce a strong negative Oxidative Reduction Potential referred to as ORP. This negative value of ORP (measured in milliVolts) the better the water is in reducing oxidation.
ORP … Oxidation Reduction Potential, which is the potential of a substance to reduce oxidation. ORP: When Minus Is A Plus! The stronger the negative value of ORP, the better.
Consider that Oxidation is similar to rust; it is the breakdown of any material when exposed to oxygen. While a certain amount of oxidation is essential to life, an excessive amount in the living structure that is being oxidized loses its integrity and its ability to properly function. This is why free radicals are the ions that cause oxidation.
For the reason that oxidation is a cause of the aging process, water with a negative ORP will enhance the body as you age.
Most of the population is not aware that most of drinking water found in homes, restaurants and stores, including bottled water, have a positive ORP in the range of +200 mV to + 300 or higher mV?
So…How do you Compare Water Ionizers? Kangen water machines versus other alkaline water machines
It doesn’t take a genius to know that all water ionizers are not he same. They certainly vary in design, ability, flow rate, pH and ORP results. Also they certainly will differ in service and warranty. The Enagic LeveLuk SD501 is made from 7 solid medical grade, platinum coated titanium electrolysis plates with 490 sq. in. surface area (which is over 4 times greater than the competitors) and uses 230 watts (most competitors only use 80 watts) in order to provide enough power to perform a sufficient quantity of electrolysis with reasonable flow rate.
The Large Kangen Machine plates by Enagic compared to smaller plates in competitor’s units Ionization quality is a function by which the electricity comes in contact with water, for this reason the numbers are especially revealing. The Enagic LeveLuk SD501 produces “Kangen Water” with a consistently strong negative ORP measurement.
There are “knock-offs” who say that their water ionizers make “Kangen Water”…
they don’t !
Kangen Water Machines
Each Kangen Water Machine is assembled individually by one technician and goes through a 22-point inspection by 5 different inspectors. What an alkaline water machine this is?
The Enagic LeveLuk SD501 Kangen water machine also comes with a 5-year FULL Warranty but it is built to last for 15 years.
“Kangen Water” is the only registered trademark for water that is processed and ionized with Kangen Water Machines manufactured in Japan by the Enagic Corporation.
Make no mistake in assuming that all “Alkalized Water” is “Kangen Water”. This represents the pristine Enagic technology and capability, as well as global support service that have allowed Enagic to sell over 500,000 Kangen Water Machines throughout Japan and North America.
So…How Much Does Your Tap Water Cost?
It shouldn’t shock you that most tap water in America is not good for your health. In a recent New York Times article it was revealed that the 35-year-old federal law regulating tap water is so out of date that the water Americans consume can pose what scientists say are serious health risks while still being legal under this old law.
A perfect example is… only 91 contaminants are regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, while more than 60,000 chemicals are used within the United States. 62 million Americans have been exposed to drinking water that does not meet at least one commonly used government health guideline intended to help protect people from cancer or serious disease.
Even the Ralph Nader Research Institute has stated that water pollution in America is at dangerous levels, which contain thousands of cancer-causing substances. It is not hard to assume that these numbers are growing every single day. Among the contaminants that may be found in tap water include chlorine, fluoride, lye, heavy metals like lead, mercury, and asbestos, as well as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Chlorine which is used in most municipal water districts to their reservoirs from bacteria, when ingested, acids that can harm the bodies cells. The heavy metals from lead pipes lined with asbestos are known to cause behavioral problems and learning disabilities.
If you are looking to purchase an alkaline water machine, there are many considerations. Of course there is the cost factor. But it is not just the immediate cost that should be a factor, but also the long term projections. There is also logic to looking at these figures over a long period of time, since the Enagic SD501 is expected to last approximately 15 years or more with good care and maintenance.
Here’s a quote from the EPA about the average price of tap water for an average household. With this as a starting point, then a comparison can be calculated, using the cost per gallon of popular bottled waters.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Quote:
On average, tap water costs are slightly more than $2 per 1,000 gallons…Each of us, on average, uses over 100 gallons of water per day for everything from drinking and bathing to watering our gardens…This equates to an average annual water bill of about $300 per household…”
Kangen Water Opposed to the Price Of Various Popular Bottled Waters: Benefits of Kangen Water
A 15 Year Cost Projection:
The 15 year Kangen Water projection is based on the Enagic SD501, with a retail price of $3980.00. This also includes the cost of a high-grade filter, replaced annually; e-cleaner for a normal year’s cleaning, 5 cleaning services, once every 3 years, performed by Enagic Technicians and the average cost of tap water, as indicated by the U.S. EPA, at the rate of $.002 per gallon.
15 year Kangen Water machines … $3,980.00… Cost per-gallon $.002 per gallon…per yr. $1.46 …15 yr. $ $6,267
15 year 16 oz. bottled water at $1.25… Cost per-gallon $9.47… per yr. $6,910…15 yr. $103,695.00
NOTE: Figures were calculated based on a family of four, using a recommended daily water consumption formula of ½ the body weight of each individual in ounces of water. Father – 190 lbs, Mother – 160 lbs, 13 year old son – 100 lbs, 10 year old daughter – 75 lbs. Weights based on National Center for Health Statistics for average weights of individuals living in the United States. This family should consume 262.5 ounces, or 2.05 gallons, of water each day. The calculations above have been figured using 2 gallons of daily consumption.
Shouldn’t Your Water be…Alive and Kicking? Benefit of alkaline water
Most bottled water manufacturers use either the process of reverse osmosis or distillation to process their water. Both of these purification processes are commonly referred to as “dead” water. In place of fostering and sustaining your body, drinking this type of acidic water can actually have negative effects on your body’s ability to absorb important nutrients.
Reverse osmosis (RO) water as well as distilled water are also considered “dead waters” since all the important minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium. The opposite is produced by alkaline water machines.
have been removed. So…by drinking “dead water” you are not eliminating free radicals but in actuality, increasing the oxidation in your body rather than reducing it.
The Kangen Water Solution: Kangen water machines
Kangen Water machines solve the problems with both tap and bottled waters. The Kangen Alkaline Ionized Water System produces pure water that works to restore an individual’s pH levels. It removes contaminants but keeps the important minerals.
You’ll be Surprised….The pH and the ORP of some of the most popular beverages:
Coke… has a pH of 2.8 making it one of the most acidic of beverages, just slightly less acidic than sulphuric acid. Its ORP is also +410 making it very damaging to cells.
Pepsi…is just a little better for pH at 3.2, but its ORP is worse at +450.
Sprite… has a pH of 3.5 with an even worse ORP of +550.
Propel Fitness Water… is a step up from that at 3.6, but is still very acidic, and when it is marketed to athletic individuals it can wreak havoc with tissues, since muscle strengthening and conditioning alone create large amounts of metabolic acids such as lactic and pyruvic acid. Its ORP is better at +280 which explain why it tends to make people feel more energetic.
Aquafina… water may have a pH of 5.2 making it better than some, but its ORP is an astounding +542.
Reverse Osmosis… water may have a much more acceptable pH of 6.5 (making it still on the acidic side of the scale), but its ORP is the highest of almost any beverage at +586.
Red Bull…is also very acidic at 3.2 pH, but it’s the ORP that kills at +462.
Gatorade…is a 3.5 pH and its ORP is +325 which is due to the high level of sodium it contains.
Wine…has quite an acidic pH of 4.05, but its ORP is lower at +232 which is explained in many clinical studies of the antioxidant effect of grapes and red wine.
Starbucks …coffee actually appears to be one of the best choices at a pH of 5.5 and an ORP of +175, but don’t forget the effects of the caffeine. Decaffeinated coffee will have a much lower pH, making it not the healthy choice you may have thought.
Tap water…comes in at a pH of 7.2 and has an average ORP of +370, but both of those amounts tend to be chemically produced by additives and purification processes that municipalities utilize.
Well water… may have very different results, and vary from area to area, but very often is acidic.
The Structure Of Alkaline Water:
We all have seen water run, pour, fall, drip, splash, bubble and foams. Water also evaporates, disappears; and it freezes, and thereby changes shape. Water is a dynamic substance which can change from liquid to solid to gas. So what is the real structure of water?
There are many questions about water, and its contradictions and capabilities, and can be considered a puzzle.
Dr. Mu Shik Jhon (1932-2004) was one of the world’s
leading authorities on the structure of water. His book… The Water
Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, summarizes 40 years of research on the
qualities and structure of water. Dr. Jhon had an endless fascination
with the characteristics of water, and ultimately on its effect on our
Over the years Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, produced over 250 scientific
publications. His work commenced in the 1960’s when he began his study
of the structure of water.
His first book, Significant Liquid Structures.
In 1986, Dr.Jhon presented the
Molecular Water Environment Theory
on cancer. That theory which is now being substantiated, states:
“Replenishing the Hexagonal Water in our bodies, can increase vitality,
slow the aging process and prevent disease.”
He further proved, “Aging is a loss of Hexagonal Water from organs,
tissues and cells, and an overall decrease in total body water.” The
beauty of this book is that Dr. Jhon shows us the science and the
studies to back up these statements and he does it in a way that we can
all understand. Dr. Jhon’s work has been the basis for technology that
now produces Hexagonal Water, making it available for regular
The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key were not just
ideas about water, it is scientific documentation, collected over a
period of 40 years and presented in simple terms.
The book verifies the existence of a specific water structure known
as Hexagonal Water, which is found naturally in various parts of the
world –specifically where the inhabitants are known to live
exceptionally long lives.
Pieces of the Water Puzzle (excerpts)
“Water is indeed a puzzle with many properties that defy explanation.
For example: Most students know that water freezes at 0° C and boils at
100° C, however if water were to follow the pattern of the other
liquids in its class, it would boil at -60° C and freeze at -90° C – a
huge discrepancy.”
“There are dozens of “abnormalities” surrounding the properties of
water. One thing is quite certain – water could not exhibit so many
unusual characteristics unless it had unique structural qualities. The
abnormalities of water are our best clue to understanding its unique
The Specific Structure of Alkaline Water (excerpts)
“In the world of water, there is no place for the loner – single
molecules do not last long in a fast-paced dance where small groupings
predominate. The single H2O molecule is a rare occurrence and is quickly
snapped up by new partners that change every 100 billionths of a
second. In other words, water is an interconnected, mass of
predominantly five and six-membered units, forming a unique lattice that
gives water many of its unusual qualities.”
“Temperature is one of the factors that determine whether water
combines to form hexagonal or pentagonal groups. When bulk water is
examined to measure the
proportion of hexagonally-shaped structures, temperature makes a big difference.
What this means is that Hexagonal Water has a greater capacity to
perform work – to expel wastes, to absorb temperature changes and to
protect against various other energetic influences.”
Alkaline Water Structure at Interfaces (excerpts)
“We have found that the water immediately surrounding normal protein
forms a greater percentage of hexagonal structures. We have also found
that the water surrounding abnormal (cancer-causing) proteins has a
significantly decreased number of hexagonal structures and an increased
number of pentagonal structures.”
Hexagonal Water and Human Health (excerpts)
“…At the cellular level, aging causes a shift in the ratio of water
inside vs. outside the cell. The volume of water inside the cell is
reduced and cells “wither” just like the skin on the outside of the
“…the metabolic rate has been correlated with the amount of cell
water turnover in the body and both have been linked with health and
aging. When seen from this perspective, cell water turnover becomes an
important marker for overall health and longevity.”
“Aging is a loss of Hexagonal Water from organs, tissues and cells,
and an overall decrease in total body water. Since aging is associated
with the loss of Hexagonal Water from the body, it has been suggested
that consuming Hexagonal Water results in a general slowing of the aging
process. Several studies support this premise.”
“In our experience, we have found that when individuals consume
Hexagonal Water, the cellular water environment improves, contributing
to increased health.”
Drinking Hexagonal Water (excerpts)
“Even though the source of the water we drink is important, the
structure of that water is the key. The best water for human consumption
is Hexagonal Water. This water is characterized by a small cluster
size (verified using NMR technology) which penetrates the cells much
faster (verified with Bio Impedance testing), supplying nutrients and
oxygen more efficiently than unstructured water.”
“Even our scientists, biologists and doctors have studied
everything in water, without considering that the water itself and the
structure of the water may be playing an equally, important role. Going
forward, we have the opportunity to look at the whole picture and come
to a more complete understanding of the relationship between water and
Kangen Water is a registered trademark of Enagic Co., Ltd.